LPowners.org Grouphead temperature

by Bruce Colglazier Pappas

Managing group temp

Managing the temperature of the grouphead is one of the most difficult things LP owners face. Most owners pull a shot between 90-95°C, but start closer to 84-85°C. Don’t forget to bleed off “false pressure” through the steam wand.

To raise the group temp:
  • Flush hot water through the group before inserting the portafilter.
  • Dry pump (by raising and lowering the lever, stopping at the top before water comes out of the group bottom) to circulate water inside the group.
To lower the group temp:
  • Cool a portafilter with very cold water or put in the freezer for a period of time, lock it into the group, and allow it to absorb some of the group temp.
  • Place a cool wet towel over the back neck of the group.
  • Immerse the group in a ramekin (small bowl) of cold tap water with a couple of small ice cubes.
  • Or just wait for it to cool.

Monitoring group temp

Monitoring the group temp is very important. After practicing a while, you may be able to use your fingers to “sense” if the group temp is right. Most owners opt for LCD temperature strips, placed just above the bottom bell of the group. Temp strips give the a “ballpark” range; they are not 100% accurate. NOTE: Make sure they are NOT one-time use. Here are a number of sources for temp strips:

Other methods include taping a probe for a digital thermometer to the group and attaching the thermometer to the machine where it can be seen. Efforts to use an digital infrared thermometer, like those used to scan engine temps, have been mixed. Some success has been reported by scanning a piece of black tape attached to the group.

Grouphead temp mod (steam-heated groupheads)

Some Gen2 owners of Europiccolas (1975-2001) and Professionals (1976-2001) have converted their groupheads from steam-heated to water-heated. Steam-heated groups tend to heat up quickly and may overheat; water-heated groups do not overheat as quickly.


Created 19-NOV-2018 | updated 04-FEB-2023 | BCP